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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Super Mario Brothers cookies

Growing up I always felt cheated because I never got to bring birthday treats to school. My birthday is in the summer, so I always missed out on that. My oldest has the same issue, but he would not be deterred. He insisted on bringing treats to his class for his half-birthday, which was yesterday. So, I told him I'd make him Super Mario cookies. 
I have been wanting to try this new decorating technique out, so I did. It is royal icing transfers. Now, they aren't that different from the chocolate transfers I do for cakes, but they are much more fragile. I did it though, and am I glad I did. I don't think I will be doing them very often though, so don't look for these cookies to be popping up in the store any time soon. 
So, here is a photo of all the transfers, finished and waiting to be put on to the cookies:

And, a close up of each:

And, the finished product:

I did learn a few things about royal icing transfers: 
One, don't bother piping in the details in black before you flood the color in, because you'll have to redo them once they dry. 
Two, don't stack the cookie sheets to dry after you apply the transfers to the cookies. They need their own air space, or they start bleeding & look like a mess really.
Three, always make extras because some will break. (Luckily I did so it wasn't a big deal.)

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