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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Mickey Mouse Birthday

My third little boy, Evan, turned four a couple of weeks ago. For the longest time all I could get out of him when I asked what kind of cake he wanted was "A circle cake." He finally agreed to a Mickey Mouse party when I suggested that. (At our house, they get their first "friends" party when they turn four.)
I usually make cookies for the to take to their school classes, but he isn't in school yet, so I made them for his church class.

We had his family party on the actual big day. I made him a simple mickey-shaped cake, and he was thrilled. Three circles is better than one, right?!

The next week we had his friends party and I made cupcakes with mickey silhouettes on them. I briefly thought about doing black frosting, but decided against it. Because it was a party for pre-schoolers, after all!

Happy Birthday Grizz! I love you!

1 comment:

  1. Cute! It's so funny to me that all he wanted was a circle cake. Pretty easy to please. :)
