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Monday, March 5, 2012

Woody Cookies

I got myself into a bit a of a bind this past week. My second son is turning 6 this week and we had his family party yesterday (Sunday). I normally do the "big" cake for that and serve cupcakes at his friends party. I also had a big cookie order due that I had to mail out today (Monday). I started the cookies early enough, and then I got the flu, and then I got a migraine. I ended up finishing the cookies mid-migraine (thanks to Excedrin Migraine.) The cake was about the most boring cake ever, so I'm not even going to post it here. Don't even ask. But, here are the cookies - I made a new cutter for them and now Buzz has a buddy! Heeere's Woody!

I put a photo of the cutter up on my Facebook page to let people guess what it was. I got some pretty entertaining answers, so I thought I'd share them here! Here's the cutter:
The responses I got were: a Scottie dog, some kind of person, a dachshund, "the guy who is all tied up in 'The Prince Of Egypt'", a praying angel or a dinosaur.


  1. Wow! A lot of work went into this cookie! Love the cutter and the details on the boots!

  2. I was a recipient of these cookies, they we delicious and beautiful to look at. The attention to details was awesome! Good job!
